
Inside the Benny Studio

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

1. What is your favorite word?
"Cute" because it's usually followed by people petting me. :)
2. What is your least favorite word?
"No." I don't want anyone to be mad at me.
3. What turns you on?
Playing with other dogs, no matter how big they are.
4. What turns you off?
Being told that I'm being bad. 
5. What sound do you love?
Food being put in my bowl. Om nom nom dinner time.
6. What sound do you hate?
Angry parents.
7. What is your favorite curse word?
I never swear. That's so mean.
8. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Wrestling. I love a good faux fight.
9. What profession would you not like to do?
Modeling. Staying still is so haaarrrrrd.
10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
"What a good boy!"

Two Dogs Become One

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hey Peaches!

That is awesome news! The bed is awesome! Clearly your owner is much stronger willed than mine - they didn't last one night with me downstairs in my crate. I was so sad and scared my first night away from my family that I cried and cried all night, even when my voice was hoarse and scratchy. My humans felt so bad, they came and got me after 4 hours and I've slept in the bed every night since.

I support your mission to sleep in the bed and believe in your puppy cuteness. You can do it!

We just got back from the park and it was...interesting. Benny doesn't listen well so my humans don't allow him to walk off leash like me. But then my mom got a "genius" idea. I heard the words "like on the dog whisperer" and the next thing I knew, this was happening:

WTF! Not okay!
Yeah, that's right, she LEASHED US TOGETHER. Apparently, I was supposed to keep Benny in line. What that little guy lacks in weight, he makes up for in enthusiasm and sheer oblivion. He was pulling me all over the place!

In the beginning, we kept getting tangled and my mom had to come and help us out but my dad kept saying things like "they have to learn" and "two dogs become one" AKA I got less and less help as the walk went on.

Luckily, we started to figure it out in the end. Well, I started to figure it out; Benny is an idiot.
Two dogs become one! Or so he said.
Now, if you are ever leased to another dog (which I hope to goodness is not the case), just remember this one rule of etiquette: look away when the other one poops.

It's the polite thing to do.

Unfortunately, I think this "team building exercise" was too successful and it's going to happen again. I'm going to have to build up my assertive abilities.

Until next time,


PS My owners are big nickname givers and have shortened all our names to one syllable, only to make them back into two (LuLu, BenBen, CraiCrai, RahRah)...yeah it's a thing.


Sunday, July 27, 2014

Dear Lucy,

I write to you today from the mountain top of glory. I have been victorious over my most daunting and challenging foe - the bed.

All it took was a big, loud, nasty thunderstorm (I hate thunderstorms!) and mom finally let me snooze in her bed! Well - I'm slightly exaggerating; I don't have the freedom most pups get when sharing sleeping arrangements with their people. She still makes me sleep in my bed, except now it is on HER bed instead of the dirty stinky floor!

Enjoying my new perch with Mr. Squirrel!
It is so wonderful to wake up to your snoring human's big sleepy face and lick them into submission (although one time, I got my nose up her nose and that was not a pleasant experience!) She sure does roll a round a lot though - sometimes I go back to my crate and make sure to jingle my collar loudly and squeak my toys so she knows I'm upset.

All in all, though, it is a glorious feeling and I can't wait for the day where the bed becomes mine, wholly and completely, and she has to ask ME for permission to sleep! HAH!

Wagging tails to you and yours,
Peaches Marie Ann Louise

Long Time, No Bark

Friday, July 11, 2014

Dearest Darlingest Lucy,

I realize I have not written in FUR-ever, and for that, I sincerely apologize! Things have been very busy here since I last yipped - I will fill you in on all the details. 

When last I wrote, my owner was 'working' far far away at a company in a place called Westchester. She had to leave me very early in the morning, and got home way after dark most nights. I was not very happy with this situation, and tried my best every night to be my most adorable self, so that she would not want to leave me the next day. Then in April, I got wonderful news! She wasn't going to be working there much longer!

Me being my most adorable self in my hippo bed
so my owner won't leave me!
It turns out humans do not have people who love them and play with them and feed them for free - they have to make money for food (sort of like how we have to do tricks for our treats!) and if my owner didn't go to this awful place called "a job", she wouldn't have money for treats for ME or new outfits for me to model! This was very upsetting, and although I was happy she would be home with me, I did not want to starve!

Luckily, she has a new "job" at a new place that I like much better. She stays just down the hall every day and I can go in for belly rubs and snuggles! I even help her around the office sometimes. I'm not very good at carrying things but I boost her morale when I can tell she is dealing with a tough problem. 

Here I am hard at work, making sure everything
is in tip-top shape!
I'm not sure if I will continue to like this new job - she keeps saying eventually she will have to go to New York which is even farther than Westchester. I used to get annoyed at having to sit for dinner, but at least I don't have to leave my pack for hours every day! I suppose I am a bit spoiled.

I have also been in training classes. I thought I would be learning about simple etiquette (doesn't my pack realize ALL southern belles like me get etiquette training from a young age!?) but NO. I was tricked! They make me socialize with a MAN for an HOUR. At first, I was appalled and outraged. He is large and smelly and beard-y and has a deep deep voice that I do. not. like. However, he gives me lots and lots of treats, so I am learning to put up with him. He also tells me I am a very pretty girl - at least I know he is not RUDE too. 

I hope things with Benny are going smoothly and he is not pestering you too much. He could learn from your grace and classiness! Maybe if he is nice enough to you, we will let him in our little pen-pal club. Luckily, I have persuaded my pack into thinking I would be jealous and devastated by the presence of another dog - so my future is safe from "little brothers" for now!

Face licks and butt sniffs!


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sup Peaches?

It's been a while since we barked! Yesterday was such a long day. In the morning, Craig took me to the vet and then to the park. Then Sarah came home early! Woot! We then took a car ride to a Petco in Ohio. The car ride was a little stressful for me so I was happy to hang out on a grassy area playing with my owners for a while. I never questioned why we drove 2 hours to Petco instead of going to the one 2 minutes away.

After about half and hour, a man came with a little doggie named Benny. We instantly hit it off and wanted to play but couldn't really run because we were on leashes. We all stood there socializing for a while. I sniffed him, he sniffed me. My owners petted him, they petted me. He was a little too sniffy for my liking at times but I put up with his forward ways because I'm a good dog like that.

Then something weird happened. Benny got in OUR car. What the F?! I've never been in the car with another dog before. Craig sat in the back seat with Benny and I stayed in the front with Sarah. I was sensing that things were going to change. When we started driving home, I knew they were. I lost my temper with Benny a few times in the car. Who did he thing he was, licking MY owner like that?!

We are home now and I'm not sure if I like Benny or not. He's all cuddly with my owners and licks them. He also wants to play ALL THE TIME and I'm just like "this is veg out on the couch time. Get with it." Luckily, we have different sleeping arrangements for now. Still got the bed, sucker!

Rat terrier, chihuahua mix. 1.5 years old.
Likes: bugging me, getting petted, wet dog food
Dislikes: idk he seems to like everything, even long
car rides and when I bark at him. What a simpleton.

I have to admit, Benny is super cute but he's a little clumsy. Already, he's run into the screen door 3 times, jumped off the couch and slid into the wall, and run straight into Sarah's legs. The funniest was when he tried to jump on the couch and over shot it and jumped into the wall. HAHAHAAHAHA (he was fine so it's ok to laugh) His presence emphasizes my elegance and maturity so I think my owners expect me to show him the ropes. He's not doing too bad but we'll see how our friendship grows.

I'll keep you posted! How are things at your house?

Loving Licks,


Cat-Tailed Dog

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hey Peaches,

I have been cooped up inside for days due to my least favorite weather ever: rain. Then yesterday, the sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky!

I got dressed in my classic yellow harness and stood by the door to the garage impatiently since my mom's car is in there. Instead, we left through the front door and I realized, of course! We were taking dad's car. I put my paws on the door to signal that I was ready for a ride but my mom led me down the driveway and we headed to the park. I guess since dad was at the Pirates game we weren't taking his car either.

Ugh, walks on a leash. Let me tell you, not my favorite. I just want to go at my own pace. Maybe I want to sniff a rotten pile of leaves or chase a bird but no - we have to walk at a constant pace. No one understands me.

Eventually, we arrived at the park! My favorite! At the entrance to the park is a huge grassy hill - prime running territory - and I sprinted in huge circles as fast as I could. When you come visit, I'll take you there.

The rest of the walk was pretty standard until I saw something I will never forget: a pug with a cat's tail!

Now, I don't know if you can imagine this:
Cat tail
on this:

but it is not a good look.

In case you're having trouble with that, I had my human put together this for you:

Can you look away? Probably not.
I just...couldn't look away. I mean, I know humans say it's rude to stare or whatever, but isn't staring like, the sincerest form of flattery or something? So I had my mom do some research for my because typing is not my strength (who do you think types these posts up for me) and I found out something so sad: many dogs suffer from Cat-Tail Syndrome (also known as Limber Tail Syndrome, Cold Water Tail, Broken Tail, Dead Tail or Broken Wag - thanks Wikipedia!) It comes from lots of swimming or working too hard.

Luckily, terriers aren't really at risk (phew!) and you're at the least risk because of your chic tail (docked tails FTW!) but warn your friends and acquaintances to build their stamina before a long day of hunting or swimming. 

Anyways, here are some more pictures of CTS:

Just no.
Limp tail.
So sad.

This has been a Puppy Service Announcement.

Love Always,


Beach Party

Thursday, March 27, 2014

My dearest Lucy,

This weekend was full of fun adventures! It all started Saturday morning - after I had a quick "business meeting", my humans left for the store. Usually I am very unhappy about being left in the house to fend for myself - what if a squirrel attacked? What if men with boxes came to the door? - but in this case, I was happy to see them go. They were headed to the store to buy me a gate, so that I may frolic on the patio without a leash. I could taste the sweet sweet freedom on my tiny little tongue!

After they returned, I was quite excited - it took far too long for them to build the gate, so I barked my encouragement. This was not well received, and I was banished to the confines of the house. I slipped out again, just in time to see them put the last piece in place. I was then left to sniff to my little heart's content in the warm breeze (alright - it was a bit cold, but I had just put on a very fashionable new sweater, and wanted to show it off to my bird friends.)

It was then I made a huge discovery - I found the Grey Squirrel Trio's secret entrance! It would seem there are large openings in the wooden fortifications surrounding our deck. I desperately tried to call my humans attention to this by sticking my head and shoulders through the openings, but this was met with great fear on their part. I was once again banished to the house. In protest, I lay forlornly at the door, looking my saddest and most pitiable.

My plan worked, and my humans took pity on me. It was decided that we would get a picnic lunch and head to THE BEACH! I could see myself prancersising in the sand, chasing seaguls, sniffing shells. I was filled with a sense of utter delight.

Of course the picnic lunch was only for my family and I sadly did not get anything - not one bite! While I do appreciate that I maintain a svelte figure, a little nibble of a Cheeto won't kill me. It is utterly rude to eat in front of someone else and not offer to share, don't you agree?

After the feeding frenzy, off to the beach we went! The humans never plan well, though, and forgot about wind. At home it had been gentle and playful - at the beach it was quite brisk! I looked fantastic, like a supermodel on the runway, but my dear humans nearly got blown over. I went for a quick romp in the sand, meeting other dogs out for a Saturday stroll. One brave Golden Retreiver was even splashing about in the waves! I was not about to get my paws wet, that is not my thing but I celebrated his bravery with several yaps of camaraderie
Utilizing all the lessons Tyra Barks taught me in America's Next Top Dog Model. Unfortunately my dearest human doesn't understand the concept of "vogue-ing" and did NOT use the wind to her advantage.
After a small exploration of a young tree sapling and putting up with several small humans man-handling my ears, back to the house we went. I proceeded to enjoy my new found freedom on the patio some more, before coming inside for chicken jerky and cuddles.

What have you been up to, my puppy-sister in the bond?

Much love and doggy kisses,
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