

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Dear Lucy,

I write to you today from the mountain top of glory. I have been victorious over my most daunting and challenging foe - the bed.

All it took was a big, loud, nasty thunderstorm (I hate thunderstorms!) and mom finally let me snooze in her bed! Well - I'm slightly exaggerating; I don't have the freedom most pups get when sharing sleeping arrangements with their people. She still makes me sleep in my bed, except now it is on HER bed instead of the dirty stinky floor!

Enjoying my new perch with Mr. Squirrel!
It is so wonderful to wake up to your snoring human's big sleepy face and lick them into submission (although one time, I got my nose up her nose and that was not a pleasant experience!) She sure does roll a round a lot though - sometimes I go back to my crate and make sure to jingle my collar loudly and squeak my toys so she knows I'm upset.

All in all, though, it is a glorious feeling and I can't wait for the day where the bed becomes mine, wholly and completely, and she has to ask ME for permission to sleep! HAH!

Wagging tails to you and yours,
Peaches Marie Ann Louise

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