
Beach Party

Thursday, March 27, 2014

My dearest Lucy,

This weekend was full of fun adventures! It all started Saturday morning - after I had a quick "business meeting", my humans left for the store. Usually I am very unhappy about being left in the house to fend for myself - what if a squirrel attacked? What if men with boxes came to the door? - but in this case, I was happy to see them go. They were headed to the store to buy me a gate, so that I may frolic on the patio without a leash. I could taste the sweet sweet freedom on my tiny little tongue!

After they returned, I was quite excited - it took far too long for them to build the gate, so I barked my encouragement. This was not well received, and I was banished to the confines of the house. I slipped out again, just in time to see them put the last piece in place. I was then left to sniff to my little heart's content in the warm breeze (alright - it was a bit cold, but I had just put on a very fashionable new sweater, and wanted to show it off to my bird friends.)

It was then I made a huge discovery - I found the Grey Squirrel Trio's secret entrance! It would seem there are large openings in the wooden fortifications surrounding our deck. I desperately tried to call my humans attention to this by sticking my head and shoulders through the openings, but this was met with great fear on their part. I was once again banished to the house. In protest, I lay forlornly at the door, looking my saddest and most pitiable.

My plan worked, and my humans took pity on me. It was decided that we would get a picnic lunch and head to THE BEACH! I could see myself prancersising in the sand, chasing seaguls, sniffing shells. I was filled with a sense of utter delight.

Of course the picnic lunch was only for my family and I sadly did not get anything - not one bite! While I do appreciate that I maintain a svelte figure, a little nibble of a Cheeto won't kill me. It is utterly rude to eat in front of someone else and not offer to share, don't you agree?

After the feeding frenzy, off to the beach we went! The humans never plan well, though, and forgot about wind. At home it had been gentle and playful - at the beach it was quite brisk! I looked fantastic, like a supermodel on the runway, but my dear humans nearly got blown over. I went for a quick romp in the sand, meeting other dogs out for a Saturday stroll. One brave Golden Retreiver was even splashing about in the waves! I was not about to get my paws wet, that is not my thing but I celebrated his bravery with several yaps of camaraderie
Utilizing all the lessons Tyra Barks taught me in America's Next Top Dog Model. Unfortunately my dearest human doesn't understand the concept of "vogue-ing" and did NOT use the wind to her advantage.
After a small exploration of a young tree sapling and putting up with several small humans man-handling my ears, back to the house we went. I proceeded to enjoy my new found freedom on the patio some more, before coming inside for chicken jerky and cuddles.

What have you been up to, my puppy-sister in the bond?

Much love and doggy kisses,

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