

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sup Peaches?

It's been a while since we barked! Yesterday was such a long day. In the morning, Craig took me to the vet and then to the park. Then Sarah came home early! Woot! We then took a car ride to a Petco in Ohio. The car ride was a little stressful for me so I was happy to hang out on a grassy area playing with my owners for a while. I never questioned why we drove 2 hours to Petco instead of going to the one 2 minutes away.

After about half and hour, a man came with a little doggie named Benny. We instantly hit it off and wanted to play but couldn't really run because we were on leashes. We all stood there socializing for a while. I sniffed him, he sniffed me. My owners petted him, they petted me. He was a little too sniffy for my liking at times but I put up with his forward ways because I'm a good dog like that.

Then something weird happened. Benny got in OUR car. What the F?! I've never been in the car with another dog before. Craig sat in the back seat with Benny and I stayed in the front with Sarah. I was sensing that things were going to change. When we started driving home, I knew they were. I lost my temper with Benny a few times in the car. Who did he thing he was, licking MY owner like that?!

We are home now and I'm not sure if I like Benny or not. He's all cuddly with my owners and licks them. He also wants to play ALL THE TIME and I'm just like "this is veg out on the couch time. Get with it." Luckily, we have different sleeping arrangements for now. Still got the bed, sucker!

Rat terrier, chihuahua mix. 1.5 years old.
Likes: bugging me, getting petted, wet dog food
Dislikes: idk he seems to like everything, even long
car rides and when I bark at him. What a simpleton.

I have to admit, Benny is super cute but he's a little clumsy. Already, he's run into the screen door 3 times, jumped off the couch and slid into the wall, and run straight into Sarah's legs. The funniest was when he tried to jump on the couch and over shot it and jumped into the wall. HAHAHAAHAHA (he was fine so it's ok to laugh) His presence emphasizes my elegance and maturity so I think my owners expect me to show him the ropes. He's not doing too bad but we'll see how our friendship grows.

I'll keep you posted! How are things at your house?

Loving Licks,


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